Boost Your Law Firm's Visibility with Podcasting and Content Repurposing with Jason Cercone

Welcome to another insightful episode of the Profit with Law Podcast! In this episode, Moshe Amsel engages in a fascinating conversation with Jason Cercone, the founder and CEO of Bombtrack Media. Jason recounts his unique journey into podcasting, which began out of spite following a social media incident.

This episode explores the immense potential of podcasting as a marketing tool for law firms and other businesses. Moshe and Jason delve into the strategic advantages of podcasting, from building authority to leveraging content across various platforms. They also discuss the pragmatic aspects of podcast production, including the benefits of batch recording, the importance of specialized support, and the efficiency gains from adopting a season-based approach.

Join Moshe and Jason as they uncover the keys to successful and sustainable podcasting and explain why investing in quality content creation can make a significant difference in any marketing strategy. Tune in now for an...

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How to Start Podcasting for Your Law Firm with Danny Ozment

Most, if not all, businesses are on the internet. By now, almost everyone relevant has a digital presence, whether through social media, Google My Business, or their own website. The digital market is saturated — but there's an edge you can hone: start podcasting.

In this episode, Danny Ozment, a podcast consultant, shares why podcasts can create trust and authority much faster than blog posts and websites. He shares that podcast listeners build a relationship with the podcaster and are more likely to trust your service over the competition. He also shares how to start podcasting and determine what topics to talk about on your podcast.

If you want to stay above the competition and start podcasting, this episode is for you.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode

  1. Learn how podcasts can help boost your law firm and create new opportunities for you. 
  2. Discover how to start podcasting and know what to talk about. 
  3. Hear stories of how podcasting...
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