Learn from one of the top industry experts:
the most effective tactics successful law firms use to consistently get more cases, and substantially grow revenue and profitability.
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Sasha Berson
Sasha Berson, Legal Marketing Consultant at Grow Law Firm, leverages extensive business experience. He co-founded and grew a lending company from 2 people to a top-20 multibillion-dollar business. Now, he focuses on helping small and mid-sized businesses achieve their goals. Co-author of "Successonomics" with Steve Forbes, Sasha specializes in tailored law firm marketing services to impact clients' bottom line. Today, he optimizes Grow Law Firm's marketing efforts for maximum revenue growth in the legal industry.
Moshe Amsel
Moshe Amsel is a law firm growth expert having helped over 1,000 law firms in their growth journey over the past 5 years. Moshe is host of the well known podcast Profit with Law and the only legal virtual business conference for firm owners The Law Firm Growth Summit. Moshe's well known Elite coaching program helps solo and small firms triple their revenue and double their pay in less than 12 months! His fractional CFO services consistently take multi-million dollar firms to 30-40% profit margins.
How to Consistently Get More Cases and Grow Your Law Firm
Learn from one of the top industry experts:
the most effective tactics successful law firms use to consistently get more cases, and substantially grow revenue and profitability.

Sasha Berson
Sasha Berson, Legal Marketing Consultant at Grow Law Firm, leverages extensive business experience. He co-founded and grew a lending company from 2 people to a top-20 multibillion-dollar business. Now, he focuses on helping small and mid-sized businesses achieve their goals. Co-author of "Successonomics" with Steve Forbes, Sasha specializes in tailored law firm marketing services to impact clients' bottom line. Today, he optimizes Grow Law Firm's marketing efforts for maximum revenue growth in the legal industry.

Moshe Amsel
Moshe Amsel the host of the Profit with Law podcast is not an attorney. As the owner of a successful accounting firm DreamBuilder Financial and Law Firm Growth coaching organization Profit with Law, Moshe has proven that there are better and different ways for a law firm to do business and be successful.