#327: Know Thyself to Spark Growth in Your Firm with Dustyn Coontz - 327

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Weaknesses can be your strengths if you know how to use them. Problems like ADHD can make executing the right decisions to grow a business a significant challenge. However, with the right mentality and awareness, it can be an asset — albeit one difficult to harness.

In this episode of Profit with Law, Moshe Amsel interviews Dustyn Coontz, the owner and founder of Coontz Law — a criminal defense firm based in Lansing, Michigan. After being diagnosed with ADHD late in his life, Dustyn shares how he used this apparent weakness as a catalyst for catapulting his firm to success. Moshe and Dustyn also discuss the ins and outs of when and who to hire to grow a business successfully!

If you feel intrigued about how you can turn your weaknesses into a competitive edge and grow your firm, then this episode is for you.


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