#264: Understanding What Marketing Strategies are Right for You with Mark Homer - 264

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Not all law firm owners understand that running a firm is not all about their practice. Law firms are businesses — good marketing is integral to its success. The problem is, not all law firms can afford to hire agencies and employ costly strategies. Our guest today shares that these methods are not necessary for new firms to be successful. A vital thing to figure out for your law firm is determining what marketing strategies apply best to your company.

In this episode, Mark Homer, the CEO and Founder of Get Noticed Get Found, joins Moshe Amsel to share his journey from working in IBM to being a consultant for law firms and small businesses. He details what marketing strategies to try considering your comfort, time, and money. They also discuss the importance of having a CMO and why you need to invest in marketing to elevate your law firm to the next level. 

If you want to know what marketing strategies to use for your law firm’s growth stage, then this episode is for you.


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