Here’s the $MM question: How do you get more clients and scale your practice without spending more money? One of the biggest challenges of running your own law firm is figuring out how to consistently find new clients without breaking the bank.
And on top of that the digital marketing world has CHANGED.The crackdown on data privacy is skyrocketing advertising costs and it’s getting tougher to acquire new clients through paid ads.
So, what’s the answer? Join us for our upcoming Masterclass where we’ll be revealing the exact free marketing methods that are consistently working—for over 450 lawyers with growing their law businesses.
What you’ll learn:
1) 4 Free Marketing Methods That Are Proven to Work (Plus, the Proof!)
2) 3 Steps to Getting Your Free Marketing System Working
3) How to Know When to Add Paid Marketing to Scale Without Going Broke

Ali Katz
Ali Katz (formerly Alexis Martin Neely CA Bar #: 212365) graduated first in her class from Georgetown Law in 1999, where she was also a John M. Olin Law & Economics Fellow and began to get the idea that something new was needed. She then clerked on the 11th Cir Ct of App and was an associate at Munger Tolles & Olson, before leaving to start her own law firm, Martin Neely & Associates (MNA). Ali grew MNA from scratch into a 7-figure business in just 3 years by inventing a new way of serving client families in her community. She then wrote the best-selling book on legal planning for families, Wear Clean Underwear, and created the Money Map to Freedom + LIFT Foundation Systems programs, based on her own needs as a business owner to make legal and financial decisions with her eyes wide open. Today, over 450 lawyers are licensed as Personal Family Lawyer firms, who all use Ali’s unique heart-centered counseling based methodology for educating their communities and serving their clients.

Moshe Amsel
Moshe Amsel the host of the Profit with Law podcast is not an attorney. As the owner of a successful accounting firm DreamBuilder Financial and Law Firm Growth coaching organization Profit with Law, Moshe has proven that there are better and different ways for a law firm to do business and be successful.