How to Stay True to Your Passion with Jazz Hampton

Many lawyers go to law school with dreams and passions of using their knowledge and expertise to help people and make a difference. Somewhere along the way those dreams tend to fade as people get sucked into the busy corporate lawyer job or law firm owner role.

In this episode, Moshe Amsel interviews Jazz Hampton, who left corporate law to pursue the dreams he had when he was younger. Jazz shares the story behind creating Turn Signl, a revolutionary platform that provides real-time legal guidance to drivers during traffic stops. Turn Signl aims to bridge the gap between drivers and law enforcement, ensuring safety and protection for both parties.

Tune in to this episode to learn more about this innovative platform and how you can pursue your passion of helping others.


Gain confidence and knowledge
Turn Signl provides drivers with real-time legal guidance, directly from an attorney during traffic stops. This fosters confidence and equips drivers with crucial knowledge about thei...

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