Cultivating Endless Referrals: The Power of Relationships with Bob Burg

Sales and marketing strategies come and go. But one method that never goes out of style is word of mouthā€”referrals. As a lawyer, doing business doesnā€™t only mean being good at your practice. You also have to know how to sell your services.Ā 

The problem is many lawyers have preconceived notions about what it means to be in sales. So first, you have to reframe your understanding of selling. It's the first step to developing relationships in a way that people will know, like, and trust you enough to refer you endlessly.

In this episode, Bob Burg joins us to explain how to build relationships that lead to endless referrals. He walks us through how lawyers can reframe their understanding of selling. He then shares his system for developing and maintaining relationships and navigating referring business to somebody.

If you want to know how to start building a business on referrals, then this episode is for you.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode

  1. Reframe yo...
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