Outgrowing the Middle Class Mindset: How to Think Like the Wealthy with Amira Alvarez

If you're feeling stuck in a cycle of working long hours and feeling like you're not getting ahead, then you are not alone! As an entrepreneur, you may find yourself pouring endless hours into your business without seeing the results you desire. Despite your hard work, you might feel like you're hitting a ceiling, unable to break through to the next level of success. It's frustrating, isn't it? You know you're capable of more, but something is holding you back. Let's break free from this cycle and create the fulfilling and expanded life you truly desire!

In this podcast episode, Moshe Amsel and Amira Alvarez unravel the psychological roadblocks and tactical strategies to overcome limitations and achieve an exquisite life. Get ready to challenge your beliefs and gain clarity on your desires, as Amira shares her wisdom on personal growth and intentional goal-setting.

Whether you're looking to overcome your own barriers or seeking to thrive as a business owner, this episode provides ...

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