How Busy Law Firm Owners Can Write a Book in One Year with Mary Adkins

mary adkins writer writing Feb 22, 2024

Want to become a successful author while running a busy law firm? Learn the solution to writing and publishing your book while balancing your professional and personal commitments.

In this episode, Moshe Amsel and Mary Adkins detail a simple process for writing the book you always dreamed about. Mary shows us how the busiest people can accomplish this in just one year!

Listen now, to find out Mary's #1 tip for finding time to write a book.


Episode Highlights

00:00 Introduction to Mary Adkins
Moshe introduces Mary Adkins, who shares her journey from being a lawyer to following her dream of writing fiction novels.

05:46 When is the right time to write a book?
Mary Adkins discusses some misconceptions about writing a book.She explains how this means NOW is the right time to your book.

13:11 Finding time to write
Mary Adkins shares examples of how busy professionals, including doctors, have found creative ways to write, such as dictating into their phone or writing on index cards, e...

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