What Is Your One Thing

Uncategorized Apr 05, 2019

The Redefined To Do List

Everyone has a different version of success. Once you define what success is to you, how will you get there? There are many routes to one goal, but some will be faster and more successful than the others. How do you find the most direct path?

We will find that path by using the book, The One Thing by Gary Keller with Jay Papasan. The topic of their book is focus, which is what my system thee 10x Differentiator is based on. Learning how to focus will help you achieve massive results in a shorter amount of time.


To Do Lists

Most of us use to-do lists and many of us actually live by them. But there is something fundamentally wrong with them. To explain what is wrong with them, let me introduce you to the Pareto principle.

Pareto Principle - 80% of our output is achieved with 20% of our input

Basically, it shows us that 80% of our input is wasted! 80% of our to-do lists are unnecessary and are just wasting our precious time and energy.

Mike Michalowicz also discusses this principle in his book, The Pumpkin Plan. He talks about when you attract customers only 20% of them will actually be good and bring you the desired results, while the other  80% are no good since they will only waste your time and money.

How to apply the Pareto principle to you to-do lists: look at your to-do list and decide which 20% of the items are most crucial to completing your goal. Now cross off the other 80%. Do this exercise again and again until you are left with one item on the list. You have now created your “Success List.”



It does not work!

There is only so much energy someone has. When you multitask you are automatically dividing your energy and each task will only get partial effort. In The One Thing, the authors give the example where everyone has a “success car”. Let's say there is only enough gas to fill one tank. You can either fill one car and that will get you to your destination or you can fill 2 cars, each with only half a tank and then neither car will get you to your destination.

If you have more than one expertise, you will never be the best at it. As long as someone has solely focused on that expertise, you won't be the best. Here is the perfect quote from the author: “you can do two things at once, but you cannot focus effectively on two things at once”.


A Successful Person

A successful person is disciplined and has willpower. However, discipline is a behavior and willpower is finite. We wake up each morning with willpower, but as the day goes on it fades. It's how we use that willpower that makes us successful. So, we need to train ourselves to be disciplined to do our task early in the day when our willpower is at its strongest.


Your One Thing

You can find your one thing by asking yourself the following question: “what is the one thing I can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary”

That “One Thing” will create a domino effect.

“The One Thing” = The first domino

If you do something that's not your one thing, then it's like tipping the domino in the middle over. It will tip over half the dominoes, but the first half will still be standing.


What is the Goal

  1. Doable - certain you will achieve since you have all the skills and knowledge
  2. Stretch - end of the spectrum of what you know how to do
  3. Possibility - going beyond what you believe you can do

Going outside your comfort zone

Aiming for what may seem impossible

The  zone of possibility is where we want to focus.

Now  ask yourself these series of questions:

      • Based on my possibility goal, what’s the ONE Thing I can do in the next five years to be on track to achieve it?
      • Based on my five-year goal, what’s the ONE Thing I can do this year to be on track to achieve my five-year goal, so that I’m on track to achieve my possibility goal?
      • Based on my goal this year, what’s the ONE Thing I can do this month so I’m on track to achieve my goal this year, so I’m on track to achieve my five-year goal, so I’m on track to achieve my possibility goal?
      • Based on my goal this month, what’s the ONE Thing I can do this week so I’m on track to achieve my goal this month, so I’m on track to achieve my goal this year, so I’m on track to achieve my five-year goal, so I’m on track to achieve my possibility goal?
      • Based on my goal this week, what’s the ONE Thing I can do today so I’m on track to achieve my goal this week, so I’m on track to achieve my goal this month, so I’m on track to achieve my goal this year, so I’m on track to achieve my five-year goal, so I’m on track to achieve my possibility goal?
      • So, based on my goal today, what’s the ONE Thing I can do right NOW so I’m on track to achieve my goal today, so I’m on track to achieve my goal this week, so I’m on track to achieve my goal this month, so I’m on track to achieve my goal this year, so I’m on track to achieve my five-year goal, so I’m on track to achieve my possibility goal?


Here are some ways to help put this system into play:

  • It is helpful to write things down, so getting a physical planner is key. I would suggest getting the 90X Action Planner from Alon David (you can buy it from 90xgoalplanner.com).

This planner has three goals at once, but it does not contradict The One Thing since there are different aspects in life that need goals. For example, my three goals are business, personal, and family/ relationships. All three of these things need to be worked on, but need separate goals.

  • Redefine your One Thing at each increment to make sure your one thing is still relevant and applicable.
  • Every path has its detours and everyone will choose the wrong one thing multiple times, but that's okay. It’s better to choose the wrong one thing than to choose none at all.

If you don't start taking action on something and implementing it, you won't move forward. That is the most destructive thing you can do for yourself. It is better to try and fail than not try at all because failing will still bring you one step closer to the right answer.

So sit down now and define what your possibility goals are and ask yourself “The One Thing” question.

Let’s Achieve Success Together



The One Thing by Gary Keller with Jay Papasan


The Pumpkin Plan by Mike Michalowicz


The 90X Action Planner


Episode 003 - The Firm Differentiator 10x System




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