Both Neil and Moshe have had multiple careers and they manage to balance work, family, and other activities they enjoy. How do they do it? Where do they manage to get the time? Continue reading to find out the different ways you can create more time for yourself. (All resource links are located at the bottom)
Your mind has a lot of control over whether you’re successful or not. When you are positive and you put your mind to something you can be successful in anything you set out to do.
“Even if you fail, you’re going to fail forward. If you don’t do it, you’re going to fail by not doing it” - Moshe
Saying No
You don’t have to say “yes” to everything. Save your “yes”s for the things you actually want to do. Saying “no” doesn’t mean you’re losing out. On the contrary, you’ll be creating new opportunities for yourself, to do the things you truly want to do.
Don’t Settle
If you settle for something you don’t love, something that doesn’t excite you, then it will be a lot more difficult for you. When you’re doing something that you enjoy it will be a lot easier and you’ll feel more fulfilled.
Take Action
You can’t expect anything to happen if you don’t take proper action. You have to put the effort in to get what you want. Find the solution that works for you and take your life into your own hands.
Outsource Your Work
When you try to do everything yourself, you’ll end up getting a lot less done and wasting time in the process. You don’t have to hire a team of people to work for you. There are a lot of softwares and companies out there that provide services to make your work easier. You can outsource receptionist duties, paralegal tasks, social media efforts, and many other tasks that you don’t need to be busy with.
Create Systems
Create systems/processes and document all of it, so that everything runs smoothly. It’ll be immensely helpful when using these services or hiring a new employee. When you document something once, you now have it for every time someone needs to do that task and you don’t have to be busy explaining the process again. There are even tools for that to make it that much easier.
Referrals and Content Marketing
Referrals may be a good system for getting new clients, but it is very time consuming. In order to get the most out of a referral system, you need to spend a lot of time nurturing relationships. You may want to change the system you use or even better use a combination. Content marketing is a more reliable way to bring in clients and is a lot less time consuming. There are also tools to make content marketing take even less time. The best is to have a combination of both systems, making sure they work well together.
Episode 003 - The Firm Differentiator 10x System
Virtual receptionist
Daylite CRM for Mac/Iphone
Hootsuite - social media managing platform
Aweber- Email Marketing Platform
MAilchimp - Email Marketing Platform
Generating Business Referrals Without Asking: A Simple Five Step Plan to a Referral Explosion by Stacey Brown Randall
The Law Entrepreneur Podcast
Neil Tyra’s email addresses