How well known are you by the people in your area of expertise? We're not talking about your industry circle but your potential clients. If you're not working on visibility, then you should start now. Giving value through content and information marketing is long-term marketing that will take time and effort, but building your visibility opens up massive opportunities.
There is no one correct approach; you need to find what works best for you. Lorie also shares that the legal industry is quickly changing, and we need to reevaluate our business models.
If you want to know more about creating and nurturing opportunities for your business, then this episode is for you!
Lorie: “When a patient comes to you, they don't have a sign on their head saying appendicitis or whatever [illness]. You have to assess, plan, intervene and evaluate, and the same is true in law.”
Moshe: “We tend to forget that there are actually things you need to do to put in place and allow them to get to work in order to start to see results from them.”
Lorie: “I look at it as a marketing pie. There are a million different ways you can market. And it's picking one, getting good at it, going to the next one, get good at it, go to the next one.”
Lorie: “We talk about things to empower you as a nurse and how to protect your license as well. They may not need the license protection now, but when I talk about the empowerment piece, they get value. And then if they need help with their license, they remember me.”
Lorie: “I have no problem with competition. I love it. If somebody says, ‘Well, here's a pie, there are only eight slices.’ I’m like, ‘Just make more pie.’”
Lorie: “This is the wave of the future. Attorneys who are set up and can work anywhere are going to be better off than those that can't. There's so much technology out there, you don't need a brick-and-mortar building anymore.”
Lorie: “I'm positively expecting great results, no matter what I see in front of me, the universe is rearranging itself for my best interest right now.”
“Even if it's a bad situation, like I said that losing my job at that law firm was the lowest point in my life, but I wouldn't be where I am today without it.”
Lorie Brown, R.N., M.N., J.D. is the founder of Your Nurse Attorney. Lorie first started in the nursing profession but was soon frustrated by its many limitations, antiquated rules, nursing culture, and even unit status quo. This frustration led to her career shift towards law as a legal nurse consultant. After the shift, she naturally fell into representing health professionals and other nurses in need of legal services. Her expertise is in malpractice matters and license defense.
Lorie’s experience and passion led her to start Empowered Nurses, an organization designed to help nurses protect their licenses so they can keep doing what they love. They empower nurses through resources, tips, and strategies. She has also written many resources on the topic, including Law and Order for Nurses.
For Lorie, law and nursing are similar in that they have similar processes. “In my law practice, I perform the same process I was trained to do in nursing—assess, plan, intervene, and evaluate. I can’t judge anything about new clients or their cases until I analyze the situation.”
Interested in Lorie’s work? Check out Your Nurse Attorney.
You can also reach her on LinkedIn or call 317-465-1065.
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