1. Why You Should Hire a Writer
A lot goes into a blog post, like:
As a law firm owner, you don’t have the time to learn and do all these steps. By hiring a writer, they can take care of all your content (blog posts and website content) with just a little bit of guidance from you.
Some writers will also help you in other areas to improve the impact of your blog. Those writers will guide you through those processes or will offer suggestions and referrals to other people that can help you. They’ll give you a few choices of ideas so you can pick one more easily. They’ll hook you up with the people you need or speak to someone who is already helping you.
2) Your Firm Website Needs to be Up to Date and Running Properly
Your website needs:
3) Choosing a Writer Based on the Price of Service
The price says a lot about the writer:
Price also depends on how long you’re hiring the writer for and the volume of content you need.
Hiring someone long term might get you a discount.
4) Be Patient While You Wait for Results
The amount of time it takes to start seeing results will depend on how long your posts are, how often you’re posting, how competitive your market is, etc.
Ways to get results:
5) Set Goals
Whether you’re doing it in house or hiring a freelancer, sit down beforehand and determine your goal and plan of action.
How will you be most effective?
Think about how you’re going to get your content out there:
Make sure you’re not missing any opportunities. With anything you use, it’s always good to repurpose your content.
The most important goal is connecting with your end reader.
Write to the readers first then to Google second.
Writing for the reader means you have to:
When writing the content you have to think about what the end reader is thinking and what emotional state they are in when Googling for the service you provide. After that you can stick in the uniqueness of your firm and SEO.
6) How to Find the Right Freelance Writer or Writing Agency
The first thing you should do is decide if you want to hire a freelance writer or a writing agency.
Choosing which one comes down to personal preference.
7) Finding a Quality Freelance Writer
A few things to look for:
Now Go Out and Find Yourself a Writer Who Can Make Your Blogging a Success
Start Your Own Freelance Writing Business: The Complete Guide to Starting and Scaling from Scratch (Startup) by The Staff of Entrepreneur Media, Inc. and Laura Pennington Briggs
Laura’s Website
Laura can also be found on Linkedin