Serving Clients While Social Distancing is a live expert panel we hosted on March 23rd. The expert panelists were Maddy Martin, Jordan Ostroff, Lindsay Jani, Gyi Tsakalakis, Neil Tyra, Ali Katz and Melanie Leonard.
Discussions covered everything from technology solutions to productivity pointers and personnel concerns. This is a must listen to discussion if you find yourself working primarily away from the office and from clients for the first time.
Resources mentioned: - FREE 20-CALL TRIAL, FREE Spam blocking, FREE CRM integration (Clio, Lawmatics, InfusionSoft, Zapier & more), Plus, as a special offer during this difficult time, we are adding $290 in additional benefits: 20 more calls w/FREE first month of Starter plan ($140 value), FREE 24/7 AI Chatbot w/ free setup & installation ($150 value). Use code SMITHCOVID19
Sign up now for a FREE TRIAL & get your phones answered within 2 business days!
New Law Business Model has been training lawyers on a new way to serve families and business owners, both online and offline, since 2006. To get all of their resources on how to get paid $3k-$5k per estate plan, and $750-$3000 per month per business owner client, join their FB group at lifestyle lawyer's club and when you sign up, mention you came from the Law Firm Growth Summit and they'll send you a video and guide they have created on how to serve virtually.
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Moshe Amsel
Moshe Amsel the host of the Profit with Law podcast is not an attorney. As the owner of a successful accounting firm DreamBuilder Financial and Law Firm Growth coaching organization Profit with Law, Moshe has proven that there are better and different ways for a law firm to do business and be successful.
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