It’s important to understand marketing before you start marketing or getting someone else to market for your firm.
We’re going to get into the very basics and work our way through the different concepts of marketing.
What is marketing?
Marketing is the progression of a prospect on the journey from unaware to a promoter.
These are the steps the prospect will take on their journey:
These steps are sequential, so you can’t do them all at once.
Let’s delve deeper into the concept of awareness. There are 3 types:
So, you’re job is to make them aware that they have a problem, that there is a solution, and that you provide that solution.
There are 2 ways to make them aware:
Who should you be marketing to?
You want to first market to all the people that it will be most effective with. There are different audiences you can market to and some will be more effective.
There is:
Warm Traffic - people that know about you already, they’re familiar with your name
Cold Traffic - people that have never heard of you
Warm traffic is going to be more effective and you want to start with what’s easiest.
You also want to first market to the people that are already company aware.
Clients giving referrals will be the best place to start because they are warm traffic and are already company aware.
When people come to you through a referral, they are starting at the Convert stage (you still have to engage them) because they were referred to you by someone they trust.
Referrals are important to start with, but you can’t rely on them. They are unpredictable - you don’t how many you’ll get or how often.
Now you want to deal with the people that are aware of their problem and are actively looking for a solution or someone with the solution. This is when you will use response marketing.
The number of leads will be based on how many people are actively searching for the solution that you have. Certain areas of practice will have an easier or harder time with this.
How do you get referrals?
Past clients. Find out if they were happy with their experience and would be willing to spread your name. You can gamify it liking having giveaways. They are the best source because they will generally associate with the type of people who can be your clients.
Other law firm owners. Most law firm owners will not be in the specific niche you’re practicing, so if you let the ones that are nearby know you’re there and which area you practice, then they will send you any clients that they were unable to help.
Friends and family. This isn’t the best option because they can’t tell people from experience about your work, but they can speak to people about your character.
Now you want to use response marketing for the people that are already problem or solution aware.
You can do this with Google Ads, so that when someone asks is searching for the solution you offer, your law firm will come up.
Lastly, you can use interruption based marketing to reach the people that aren’t even aware of the problem. From there you’ll make them problem, solution, and company aware and continue moving them along the journey.
When you’re dealing with interruption marketing, you need to have a message that captures people’s attention, reels them in.
Be Strategic About Marketing
Episode 10
Episode 11