Wondering what 2022 will bring for your law firm? Moshe shares his insights and predictions on a number of items including marketing trends, coaching and pricing models. If you want to think about where you might be able to get ahead of the curve then this podcast episode is the one you want to listen to.
Resources mentioned:
Register for the Best Year Ever mini-series taking place Dec. 20 -23 at 12:00 PM EST. profitwithlaw.com/annualplanning
Join our Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lawfirmgrowthsummit/
To request a show topic, recommend a guest or ask a question for the show, please send an email to [email protected].
Connect with Moshe on:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/moshe.amsel
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mosheamsel/
Moshe Amsel
Moshe Amsel the host of the Profit with Law podcast is not an attorney. As the owner of a successful accounting firm DreamBuilder Financial and Law Firm Growth coaching organization Profit with Law, Moshe has proven that there are better and different ways for a law firm to do business and be successful.
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